Borrow to maintain target balance
Keeping the market informed
Forecast likely cash flows
Manage disbursement flows
Aristotle held that there were three basic activities of man: theoria, poiesis and praxis. There corresponded to these kinds of activity three types of knowledge: theoretical, to which the end goal was truth; poietical, to which the end goal was production; and practical, to which the end goal was action.
Aristotle further divided practical knowledge into ethics, economics and politics. He also distinguished between eupraxia (εὐπραξία, "good praxis") and dyspraxia (δυσπραξία, "bad praxis, misfortune").
PRAXIS substantivo 1. A aplicação prática de qualquer ramo da aprendizagem. (Filosofia) 2. A síntese da teoria e prática, sem presumir a primazia de qualquer um. 3. Prática personalizada ou estabelecida. 4. Um exemplo ou forma de exercício, ou uma coleção de tais exemplos, para a prática. Pl. Praxes, do grego antigo πρᾶξις (prâksis, "ação, atividade, prática")
Promoting a market that fuels the primary market
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Os tópicos da dívida estão em preto.
Praxis: O Ciclo de Gestão de Tesouraria
Treasury Management for Governments
Usando Agentes (geralmente bancos)