A debt management strategy. What is required to produce a useful debt management strategy? What should be the goal of the strategy? How should risks be considered? Can an optimal debt strategy be developed? What is a reasonable time horizon for the strategy?
Staff of the IMF and World Bank, Developing a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy (MTDS)—Guidance Note for Country Authorities (Washington, DC), March 3, 2009. https://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2009/030309A.pdf
Estratégia para a Gestão da Dívida Pública. An essay on issues to consider. Aug 2017.
Distribuir dívida em mercados ou para os investidores. Quais são os principais meios de distribuição de títulos? Que considerações devem orientar a seleção do método de distribuição?
Performance criteria for issuing debt. By what measure can we say that debt management has been well done? How does one choose a metric or more than one metric? Measurements do not have to be quantitative. They should answer questions about your debt management goals.
Khan, Harun R : Public debt management – reflections on strategy & structure. Keynote address by Mr Harun R Khan, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, at the 9th Annual International Conference on “Public Policy & Management: Debt Management”, (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, 11 August 2014). http://www.bis.org/review/r140818a.pdf
Staffs of the IMF and the World Bank: Revised Guidelines for Public Debt Management, March 2001. http://www.imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2014/040114.pdf
Measuring costs when issuing debt. Lowest cost borrowing is commonly cited as a guiding principle for debt operations. In what sense can this be interpreted and what are the implications of varying definitions of cost and how it is measured?
Vajs: Government debt issuance: issues for central banks, in BIS Papers No 76, The Role of Central Banks in Macroeconomic and Financial Stability, BIS, February 2014 https://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap76d.pdf
Also available as
Vajs: Émissions de dette publique: questions pouvant intéresser les banques centrales, dans BIS Papers No 76, Le rôle des banques centrales dans la stabilité macroéconomique et financière, BIS, Février 2014 https://www.bis.org/publ/bppdf/bispap76_fr.pdf
Treasury Management for Governments
O motivo para a emissão de dívida. Qual a finalidade de ser servido por esta dívida? Pode ser por razões puramente fiscais, por razões de gerenciamento de caixa, para desenvolvimento de mercado ou para gerenciamento de liquidez em nome do banco central?
Selecting securities to issue. What should be considered when selecting benchmarks? What other issues come into play with debt issuance? Where and in what form should security offerings take place?